Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today we introduced a card game called Fluxx. It takes its name from the fact that the rules are in a constant state of change and so are the winning conditions. I thought it would be a good way of challenging the youngsters minds as they must constantly read and try to understand the rules and the cards. There needs to be discussion in order to figure out what the cards actually do and the interpersonal skills and game dynamics are probably not in constant use in the students everyday lives.


  1. Fluxx is so awesome!
    It's really interesting, and you have to think which is a good reason to play it in brain arena.
    With the thinking.. and the game.. and you have to, think. Yes, you get the point.

  2. Fluxx is so cool the way it works and I thought the dude on You tube was exaggerating. Mr Thom if your reading this you should let us play Fluxx a lot! =)

  3. Today we played fluxx in brain arena. It was fun! =) =)

  4. the guy in the video was really weird!!!!!
    i see why his last name was loony :)
    FLUX is ok it's not my fav game

  5. Fluxx was an interesting game that can end really quick or go on for ages! I liked it though (partly coz I kept on winning and)it challegned our minds! There were many ways of winning (if you use the right cards)!

  6. Was his last name loony?
    Poor guy!!
    But at least he's good at making card games.
